Wood Fired Hot Tubs

Bring some extra luxury and comfort into your home or the backyard of your property. Wild Tubs is the right spot to order bespoke, tailor-made, and long-lasting wood fired hot tubs right from an in-house maker. With years of experience manufacturing fire heated hot tubs, we have established and developed unique production technologies and refined top-of-the-range materials to be able to satisfy the needs of our clients from all over the world. Users can create their own wood fired hot tubs in our store, and we’ll make and deliver them to their doorstep in 3 to 5 weeks’ time.

Add in any feature, select the paneling and other accessories to build the perfect wood-heated hot tub or a unit with different heating elements and options. We’re always ready to consult you and give unbiased advice about what’s right for your situation. Thus, please feel free to get in touch via email or call to get a consultation or advice and quotes for an affordable log burner hot tub or a unit that could be right in your particular circumstances.
Wood burning hot tubs UK
We have around 5 years of experience making bespoke wood burning hot tubs. Over that time, Wild Tubs has successfully supplied dozens of private and corporate clients in UK. Many of them had very different and very unique ideas that they wanted to realize. Successful production allowed us to refine and source the very best materials and/or technologies for wood-fired hot tubs and their manufacturing.

Our team can successfully differentiate the finish, add in numerous accessories and change the paneling of your particular tub according to your wishes. Besides, there is a lot of comfort features like SPA massaging nozzles and LED lighting to make the wood burning hot tub not only an excellent addition for your garden or backyard but also a sort of oasis of comfort and relaxation wherever you decide to put it.
Wood heated hot tubs
Are you aware that wood heated hot tubs aren’t just nice to lay in? Such an activity (e.g., jacuzzi) can also have a lot of direct and indirect benefits to a person’s health and the property as a whole. A lot of buyers only wish to have a wood heated hot tub because it seems comfortable and relaxing. What ends up happening is they overlook the obvious physical and mental health benefits that come along with it.

The benefits begin from the most obvious, which is stress relief. Laying in hot water can calm you down and release a lot of psychological frustration that may be bothering a person at the moment. Warm water always has a soothing effect which you can benefit from any time you’re sitting in the wood fired tub/jacuzzi. The effect is strengthened with the help of other simultaneous stimuli – relaxing tunes, nice smells, low lights, etc.

If your heated wooden tub comes equipped with hydro massage or air bubble massage features, you can also reap the benefits of muscle relaxation. These streamers, also commonly called jets, can shoot a stream of air/water into certain areas of the body, sort of massaging the muscle and easing off a lot of tension that may be pent up. The massage function isn’t just there for show. It’s actually proven to have a positive effect on injury risk reduction as well as helping people recuperate after a long day, recover after an injury or during rehab.

Closely following the ease of physical tension is the similar benefit of diminishing pain. SPA features of the wood fired hot tub are an excellent antidote for arthritis or tendon, joint, muscle pain (whichever one or combo you may be suffering from). The relaxation can ease pain and thus, give you more motion and function within the part of the body you want to make the pain go away from.

Next up – relaxation benefits in terms of better sleep quality. Research has shown that being in a wood heated hot tub and stimulating your body with warm water leads to better and more peaceful sleep. It can be used as quite an effective treatment of insomnia even.

Better cardiovascular function is also a benefit that you can enjoy. By just having a soak in an outdoor hot tub, any person can expect better cardiovascular function thanks to passive stimulation from heat and warmth. It should lower blood pressure.

As the final two benefits of wood-burning hot tubs, we would like to point out that by just lying in a tub, a person actually burns calories. An hour in a tub is equivalent to a good 30-minute non-stop walk. Besides, thermal therapy within the tub is great for people with diabetes since it improves insulin sensitivity.

In terms of benefits for your property, a custom-made wooden hot tub is just going to thrive as an excellent spot to relax. You can gather friends, family and have a fun, relaxing time in a company or solo. Moreover, it can definitely increase the value of your property.
Log burner hot tub for sale
In order to unplug yourself from the stressful and usually mundane everyday life, a log burner hot tubs are the right purchase to make. However, with the wide product range offered by Wild Tubs, it’s not as easy to find the best unit right away. Selection could take a while. But, in order to help you in making the decision and in order to speed up your browsing, here are a few tips and things to look at, when you’re looking to buy wood-fired hot tubs from our online catalogue.

The first thing to look at is the design. Depending on your home (e.g., garden, backyard, and the area as a whole), the best-looking choice can vary. More rustic and remote locations, especially considering somewhere around a Spruce and/or Fir forest, the wooden and wood-themed, more rustic options will look better. Choosing the thermowood finish will add extra aesthetic luxury as well as practicality in terms of making the tub itself more heat efficient. For more country and rustic or remote locations, we definitely recommend the classic log burner hot tub.

Fiberglass log burner hot tubs are a bit more contemporary but aren’t short of classiness too. Modern luxury will blend in with every kind of environment and fit anywhere from 6 to 8 people, becoming a very versatile addition to your home or cottage. The bespoke unit from Wild Tubs can enrich your exterior. Combine it with wooden stairs to make the tub as practical as possible. It can be combined with an external wood-burning heater or even electric heating elements for the quickest and most comfortable water heating. The same applies to polypropylene hot tubs. They offer a much more modern vibe when compared to the classic and rustic-looking classic wooden one. Don’t forget that you can add products to your wish list or quick view items on-demand in the catalog.

Besides aesthetics, there are a lot of technical capabilities to work with. Wild Tubs allows its customers to create a genuinely unique tub explicitly tailored to their needs. Browse through the numerous design choices, select the most appropriate heating method, add accessories like SPA features, LED lights, and more. The catalog offers an easy way to add or remove options from the selected package. In short, just pick the design which you like the most and add in the tech specs according to preferences.
Log fired hot tub – is it worth the investment?
With all of the benefits already out in the open and the wide range of customization options for our clients, some might be still wondering whether, all things considered, this purchase will be worth the investment? To answer their concerns – a lot of it depends on the users themselves and their expectations, but more often than not, our log fired hot tubs prove to be long-lasting, very fun to be in, as well as reaching and/or even entirely exceeding the expectations of our customers.

Since every tub is made in-house, using the materials and technologies we source and refine on location, every client can expect the best item. Just look at the vast list of pros and benefits which the wood fired jacuzzi hot tub can offer.

It’s great for when you just want to relax and chill after a long day
A log fired hot tub in your home is a great centerpiece or point of interest during gatherings, parties, events, etc.
The tub is a luxury purchase that can immediately increase the value of your property both on paper and indirectly
By soaking in the log fired hot tub, you or any other people can enjoy the many proven health benefits it provides

How to prepare for a hot tub fitting/installation?

This question is quite common, and people spend a lot of time trying to figure out where in their property and how they are going to fit the desired rectangular or square hot tub.

First and foremost, look at the dimensions of the tub and find an appropriate amount of space outside of your home. Hot tubs are best when placed outdoors rather than being put inside. Since most of them are heated through burning wood and combustion processes, managing exhaust fumes and the fire hazard is much simpler when not inside. Once enough area is secured, figure out what you’re going to pick for the foundation. The tub must be on a level surface; otherwise, the water could sway, and it might leave the people inside with a very unbalanced and discomforting feeling when one side has a higher water level than the other.

As the surface material on which the tub will be placed, we recommend avoiding regular grass/lawns, etc. Since air needs to properly circulate from under the tub, in order to prevent hazardous situations, the recommended choice is either grinded/crushed stone, gravel.

Once the wood fired tub is placed, make sure to break it in before use. This is applicable to wood-only constructions or traditional tubs. How do you break in a hot tub? Well, by swelling up the wood, primarily. The first use should be done by filling up the tub with about 5 inches (approx. 12 centimeters) of water and letting it sit for 8-10 hours. You should incrementally add in more water until the tub is filled. The wood planks need to get used to moisture and to be able to absorb large quantities of it. You shouldn’t shock them right away; thus, this preparation is necessary.

Depending on your heating arrangement, test out the heating elements. Fill the tub with water and light up the wood fuel or fire up the electrical heating element. There is a common debate whether it matters which wood you choose for fuel or whether it doesn’t. And while it’s not a radical change for the more casual user, if you want to produce less soot and have an easier time cleaning up after heating the tub, choose hardwood over softwood. That’s due to the fact that hardwood, when used as firewood, develops much less soot and ash-related pollution.

With regards to care for the wood fired tub, we recommend completely draining and changing the water in the bathtub only a few times per year, unless you use it very frequently or don’t have proper filtering and treatment solution installed. If multiple people are or plan to use it, we definitely can give a strong suggestion to install the filter for maximum cleanliness. Washing and maintenance instructions can be and will be given to every customer.
Fire heated hot tubs range
Our product range includes a few different wood-fired hot tubs. These particular units will have either internal or external wood-burning furnaces, which are used to heat the water within the tub. Let’s give a rundown of each of the products and see their pros, as well as unique aspects, how every bespoke fire-heated hot tub in our range, is different.

The Classic Wooden Tub
As the name suggests, it’s a timeless and classic choice. This particular tub model will fit in and blend with all sorts of exteriors and landscapes. You can find similarly-designed tubs everywhere from Finland and Scandinavia, all the way to Aspen in the Rockies or Hokkaido in Japan.

Wild Tubs’ Classic Wooden hot tub has a smaller entry-level price but comes with almost all available extra features which we can offer. The Classic Wooden hot tub has a cheap advantage over fiberglass or polypropylene (plastic) tubs. The lower price won’t always force buyers to pick this particular model because a lot of our customers actually prefer the rustic-like authenticity and uniqueness of the regular old wooden tub.

As an item in your backyard or garden, the hot tub definitely adds a new dimension to it. This wooden model is specifically tailored to fit in with all kinds of styles and ideas. The reasonably-priced wooden tub can be sold with an integrated or external wood-powered heater. Customize and pick the diameter of your preference, detail with wood panels of your choice. Furthermore, per request, we can deliver it unassembled, meaning that you can have a fun DIY homemade project on your hands!

The Fiberglass Tub With an External Heater
Classic and elegant from the outside, while very convenient and contemporary on the inside. Wild Tubs’ Fiberglass hot tub with an external heater is one of the best overall choices for each customer who’s looking to have a perfect blend of aesthetics and function. Coming at a slightly higher cost than the classic wooden tub, the fiberglass unit with an externally mounted heater offers more space for people to relax comfortably in. Acting as a mix between your own personal SPA and a party centerpiece, our tub can fit anywhere between 6 to 8 people without any trouble.

The best part about the external-heater-powered fiberglass tub are the wide range of customization options that are available. Use our price checker tool and configurator to build your own ideal tub and see how much it would cost.

The Fiberglass Tub With an Integrated Heater
Called our flagship model, this particular tub is one of the most popular and best-selling units that we have. A handmade tub for sale with an integrated heater works great in both more rural and urban environments. It’s completed with an elegant design that’s both contemporary and timeless at the same time. Having exceptional practicality, the tub with an integrated heater can meet the needs and demands of almost any client. Allow yourselves to get away from everyday worries and stressful tasks by soaking in warm water.

This particular heater should easily fit between 5 and 7 people, depending on your selected size. There’s an ergonomic child seat to allow both adults and children to enjoy the fun. Fiberglass is a great choice in terms of comfort and convenience. Add in a variety of accessories in order to create your perfect best new hot tub. The purchase will include: 316 ASI stainless steel integrated wood-powered fire heater, 2m tall chimney with a protector, a wooden stick, a tap for releasing the water, drink holder.

Rectangular Polypropylene Hot Tub
This is a model which favors practicality and comfort above all else. The polypropylene rectangular body is great for fitting multiple people (up to 6-8 of them) inside. The external design is paneled with either high-quality spruce or top-of-the-range thermowood, making this particular model blend in with the rest of the view. Inviting you to relax, the rectangular tub can come with a wide variety of customizable accessories, ranging from LED lights to hydro massage features and different sizes. The price includes the tub, a wooden cover, and wooden stairs. Since it’s square or rectangular, the tub can definitely be labeled as super ergonomic.

Round Polypropylene Hot Tub
One more variation of the polypropylene body with wooden paneling. This choice of material favors ergonomics and comfort above all else. Combined with an external heater, the round tub easily fits 6 to 8 people inside. An inviting spot to relax, acting as your personal SPA with a wide range of available customization and unique features, the Round polypropylene hot tub will definitely meet the needs and wants of every client.
Make-your-own wood powered hot Tub – Our Price Checker Tool
Our website has a unique tool that allows all of our customers to customize and configure their dream tub fully. It helps you generate a quote before the purchase. Once you complete the configuration, just send us the quote, and we’ll get back to you in order to finalize the order. Once everything is set, we’ll begin the manufacture and should deliver the wood fired tub to you in 3 to 5 weeks’ time.

How to use the tool?

If you want to customize and get started on building your perfect tub, begin by navigating to the appropriate part of the website. Click on the ‘Get Started’ button, and you’re good to go. Depending on the tub, you’re going to have a different sequence of features and customizable options presented to you; thus, the example below might not reflect the exact order of changes that you’re going to make.

Select the base tub. You can buy these types of units

Classic wooden tub
Round or rectangular polypropylene wood powered hot tub
Fiberglass wood-powered hot tub with either integrated or external heater

Select the desired size. You can pick between the standard option or go for the larger, bigger tubs. Additional size comes at an additional cost, but you can enlarge the tub by over 20%.
Pick the heater type. Keep in mind that some tubs are already fitted with either an external or internal heater. Some options may be already included in the price whilst others might cost extra. Just follow the information on the screen to know exactly.
Pick the thermowood or spruce paneling for the exterior of the tub. If your tub is made from polypropylene, you can also select the color of the interior.
Some models come with stairs as standard while others do not. Thus, according to the tub, add in the desired stairs model or ladder (if preferred and applicable).
Accessories and SPA features, including hydro &/or air bubble massage, 1 or 2 LED lights, filter, storage box, etc.
Select whether a supplementary electric heater is needed (costs extra)
Final accessories and completion

After completing these 8 steps, you’ll end up with the final spec sheet for the hot tub. Scroll through it, and if you’re satisfied with the overall specification as well as the price, enter in your contact information so we can get in touch and arrange the purchase, production, and delivery of your tub.
Benefits of a customized wood fueled hot tub
What are the benefits of having and buying a customized tub over a mass-produced unit? Every time you compare a bespoke, tailor-made (e.g., made-to-order) item to a mass-produced one, the benefits are clear. In the latter situation, the buyer and the client have very limited control over which features will be included and whether the unit might force to compromise. This is the largest issue – being forced to compromise over wants and needs.

However, if you choose us and make your own wood fueled hot tub with Wild Tubs, we allow the customer to have complete and total freedom over which features he or she might desire to include or not take.

Thus, Wild Tubs offers the complete and limitless possibility to configure whatever you like. Choose the paneling, colors, type of the tub, heating methods, and accessories to create the best tub for yourselves. Supplementary guidance videos might help you out and see our products in real life. Videos are included on the sub-page of every product.

Buy a hot tub & delivery information

If you want to customize and get your own tub delivered to you in around a month’s time, please follow the instructions laid out in our How to Buy section or read the description here. We’ve decided to describe the purchasing and delivery process to ensure as few questions should arise as possible.

Ordering and purchasing are initiated and completed on our website. Wild Tubs has an integrated configuration tool that allows you to fully customize and edit the wood fueled hot tub which you’re going to order. Once the order is complete, and the client puts in their contact information, in order to process the quote, we can approve and begin the production. We hold no units for sale and thus, hand manufacture units to order. Enter your email and phone number in the final part of the assembly process so we can get in touch. Our team will then process your order, resolve and discuss any areas of concern before an agreement is made. Changes and alterations are arranged during this step (if needed). Once the offer has been made, and the client accepts it, Wild Tubs ships out the necessary documents, including a primary invoice and a special contract. Upon receiving these documents, simultaneously, the client is requested to proceed with an advance payment of 20% to the total amount due. A wide range of payment methods is acceptable.

Once payment is received and processed, our team sends an update to the client and begins production. Since we’re a company that does everything in-house, the production time depends on the order queue as well as the complexity of the wood fueled hot tub which you’ve ordered. A big, round, luxurious fiberglass hot tub with all the accessories might take a bit longer to produce when compared to a classic wooden tub with a bare minimum of extras. Regardless, production should take between 2 and 4 weeks.

But that’s definitely not the end of it. The benefits of bespoke production also come into play at this stage. Once the production is completed, our team takes detailed photographs of the freshly built wood fueled hot tub and sends it out to the customer. Besides, throughout the entire production process, everything is continuously monitored in order to preserve the highest order of quality. After the photographs are sent to the customer, they can evaluate the final product and mention each aspect that they wish to change (if necessary). If the product is right as the client wants, the remaining amount is paid, and the whole tub is shipped out. Paying the whole sum or by installments are possible. The contract which we signed earlier will protect both sides from any confusion!

Transport and delivery rates, as well as terms, are calculated individually for every order. We can ship worldwide. Wild Tubs is flexible and will arrange proper transport in order for the tub to arrive at an appropriate time. Actions in case of damages occurring during transport are discussed while arranging the shipment.

Why Wild Tubs?

There are quite a few tub makers around the world. So why Wild Tubs?

First off – it is our experience. In-house, we’ve been making wood fired hot tubs for years now, and have refined our own technologies as well as sourced the right materials in order to manufacture top of the range products for clients all over the world. Fine-tuning, customization as well as exquisite craftsmanship are our calling cards. It’s highly likely that you won’t be able to find another manufacturer that’s so keen on producing unique, one-of-a-kind, highly customizable hot tubs. We are a made-to-order shop where each and every client can order something one-off.

Everything that we produce is made with utmost precision and we keep in touch with the client throughout the process. Details are arranged, alterations and additions can be made during the production. Besides, every one of our clients can share their input in order to achieve maximum satisfaction. After production is complete, we send out pictures to make sure everything’s up to expectations. A contract is signed to protect both parties involved in the deal. We accept a wide range of payment methods and are always ready to arrange shipping in the most convenient way.

We’re always ready to answer your questions, consult and share insights to give you the information, needed to make the best possible purchase. Our website is user-friendly, making it easy to find the specifications and data about every single product. Besides, the wood fired hot tub price checker tool will allow you to know the final prices for all variants of hot tub to help get the best deals.

Have some questions or wish to make an inquiry? Please, don’t hesitate and call us now or reach out via any other contacts listed in the ‘Contact Us’ form.


Is maintaining and owning a hot tub difficult?

Depends on what you consider difficult. Overall, regardless of the perspective, maintenance of the wood fired hot tub is quite straightforward and doesn’t require that much effort. If you maintain it properly, you can expect your hot tub, without or with an electric heater to serve for over a decade.

In terms of required maintenance, don’t forget to change the water after every use, unless you have a filtration system in place. The wooden exterior should be oiled every 6 months (recommended) or once a year at a bare minimum. Paint or varnish for extra protection, if desired.

Which size of the tub will serve the best?

We can produce different sized tubs per request of our customers. Standard sizes are either 1600-1800 mm tubs which hold up to 6-7 people. There are sizes in between, but the largest unit we can make is 2200 mm in diameter which is good for 10 or even 11 people at a time.

How to treat the water?

Water treatment isn’t mandatory, but we always suggest choosing the filter as an extra. Chemical treatment measures and agents are only necessary if your goal is to allow for the water to sit in the tub longer and you’re not keen on changing so often. Some measuring tools are also good to have as the optimal pH range for hot tub water is between 7 and 7.5. Keeping the pH of the water within these boundaries should help prolong the lifespan of the wood burning hot tub. Chlorine may also be used if you monitor the dosage very carefully.

How long does it take for the water in the tub to heat up?

Depending on the heating method, the time it takes for the water to warm up can slightly differ. First off, wooden tubs need swelling; thus, you can’t use them right away. The optimum temperature for the water is around that of the body or 35-39 degrees of Celsius. If you don’t have a cover, the heat will quickly evaporate, meaning that the heating, especially during winter, cold fall, or spring days, might take longer. At the most, using firewood, heating could take around 3-4 hours. However, if you use a cover and select high-quality firewood and/or use the electric heater, the time should definitely be reduced. Around 1.5-2.5 hours seems like the optimal time.

Is bathing in a hot tub just fun, or does it have health benefits?

As we’ve stated, using a log burner hot tub isn’t just exciting, relaxing, and/or fun. Log fired hot tubs do have a wide array of health benefits too. Soaking in warm water can be very good for your cardiovascular health. While being sunken and submerging yourself underwater while also being massaged should ease tension, diminish pains, help recovery after trauma, just to name a few.

How Air bubble and Hydro massages differ from one another?

These two massages are very different. Air Bubble massage utilizes 12 individual jet streams that send out highly pressurized air which blows through, effectively massaging various parts of your body. Air bubble massage is great for fighting cellulitis, stimulating metabolism in the tissues and organs, reducing swelling and pain after trauma, etc.

Hydro massage uses 6 individual stream outlets to emit streams of water. They’re deep underwater, where a person can position their parts of the body to make sure they’re massaged. Hydro massage is great as temporary relief from pain, soreness, aching, and stiffness. TheAir Bubble massage can stimulate metabolism within certain tissues while simultaneously helping you feel more relaxed.

Which tub model is the best?

You might be wondering whether one particular tub is better than the other? In reality, all of our models have their unique traits, including pros and cons compared to one another. A small tub, compared to a large unit, will be easier to fit. The classic wooden tub might have a more timeless and rustic appeal vs. fiberglass and polypropylene units. But, regardless of whichever option you choose, they each have their own unique identity and the way they fit into your backyard/garden, etc.

How are the installation and the fitting of the tub done?

After the order is completed, we can send the tub directly to your address. Here’s the best part – we can ship it assembled or individual parts only so that you could have a fun DIY project on your hands.

Each and every wood heated hot tub will come for a European plug to connect to power. Special tools and skills aren’t necessary for the installation of the filtration system as well. However, we do recommend having someone over who has the expertise in such projects as it can be quite a challenge the first time around, especially with what relates to the preparation of the surface (if necessary), so you aren’t doing everything alone.

Best wood for burning?

If your tub is equipped with an internal or external heater (e.g., comes with a log burner), you’re going to need a lot of wood for burning. Which wood is best? We always recommend dried hardwood. Even though softwood might have a higher BTU, they usually develop resin which is much more difficult to clean and manage. Remember to properly dry the wood or purchase logs that are already dried before usage. Biomass briquettes are also suitable.



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